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Easy 15-Minute Workouts for Busy People

With busy work schedules and family commitments, finding time for exercise can be a challenge. But just 15 minutes a day can provide powerful health and fitness benefits. The key is choosing quick, effective routines that target all major muscle groups. Here are some easy 15-minute home workouts for busy people:

Focus on HIIT (high-intensity interval training) to maximize calorie burn in a short time. Try circuits of full-body moves like squats, pushups, lunges and planks. Alternate 30-60 seconds of work with rest periods. You can get a lot done in just one or two rounds. Jumping jacks and jumping rope are other good cardio options.

Target specific muscle groups on different days. Do a quick strength-training circuit of abs, arms and back one day, then legs and glutes the next. Bodyweight exercises like crunches, tricep dips, squats and bridges can be done anywhere with great results.

Don’t forget good old-fashioned aerobics like jogging in place, dancing, and jumping rope. Squeeze in some soothing yoga stretches too.

The key is picking moves you can do at home without equipment. Start slow if needed, then build up intensity. Just 15 minutes of focused effort every day will make a big difference in your fitness level, mood and overall health. Consistency with these quick home workouts can totally transform your body over time.

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